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For the bodybuilding benefits, try taking five to 10 grams of BCAA with breakfast, five to 10 grams immediately before and after training and five to 10 grams before bed, at night before you go to sleep. You can take a higher dose and avoid getting sleepy, but you want to take at least 5 grams of BCAA every day to get the most benefit. Other Benefits: BCAA supplementation improves mitochondrial function. BCAA supplementation is useful to help increase endurance capacity and increase fat burning potential. Supplementation also works as a muscle stimulant, helping you burn more calories without needing to exercise at full capacity. How to Use BCAA Supplements To use a BCAA supplement, you can either take a powder, drink it, or you can inject it into your body through a needle. You can use it to build muscle, to improve performance, or just to get in quick energy before a workout. If you're using a powder, use the most concentrated form possible (1/2 of the recommended maximum dose). Avoid combining supplements, either by mixing them together or by taking less than the maximum recommended dosage. You should not give a supplement to your pet to take on the go or for other reasons, as it is an important factor when trying to maximize your results. How to Use a Supplement (Starter) Take 2 grams of creatine monohydrate (Gatorade) before any workout and 1.5g of BCAA three to four weeks before you compete. These should be the maximum recommended dosages for most people Before a workout, take 5g of BCAA powder with a sports drink and 1g or 3g of creatine monohydrate on a split course that includes strength training. It is advised that during your training sessions your diet be very good to ensure the best results. Use a creatine monohydrate powder if you do not intend to use other forms of creatine monohydrate. Supplementation can be done by yourself if you're not strong enough for other methods, or if you're unable to use a supplement. In such cases, you can try taking 3g of BCAAs (a BCAA supplement) with 1.25g of creatine monohydrate when you train. Supplementation can also be used by a teammate if you don't have access to a reliable training partner. Use 1 gram of BCAA powder with 2 mg of protein. It's important to take a proper supplement before and after workouts, to insure any benefits are not negatively affected by using an over-the-counter form of one of these supplements. If Related Article: